Friday, January 30, 2015

Week of February 2nd

We had such a great day kicking off the One District, One Book event on our late start day!  Each family got a copy of The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies.  There is a yellow sheet inside the book with a reading schedule on it.  There will be trivia questions and prizes so try to read the chapters according to the schedule!

Conferences are coming Feb 10, 12, and 13! A bright green went home on Monday the 26th. Please review the date and time and complete the bottom of the slip.  I will need all confirmations and need for rescheduling responses as soon as possible! If you need a new one, please let me know as soon as you can.

The book fair will also be held during conferences.

**News about High Frequency Word Sentences:
Last week we talked about adding details to sentences.  The class was told that their High-Frequency Word Sentence assignments (yellow sheet) will have to contain details such as adjectives or prepositional phrases in order to get full credit.  For example: "I have eyes." needs to be changed to "I have two blue eyes." -or- "I have eyes in my head" or even better- "I have two blue eyes in my head."  We have spent much time during class talking about adjectives and prepositions so they know how to use these parts of speech.

Yearbook orders went out.  Order on line at and enter the code 4964615 OR fill out the form that went home and pay by check. Checks payable to Pleasantview. Orders are due: February 13, 2015!

On Thursday the 12th we will have a Valentine's celebration in class.  Students will make bags here at school and they can bring valentines to share with friends.  We have 23 students in our class.  Please have your child sign their name, but don't address them to anyone.  That way they can just hand one to each student.

Reading Tip of the Week:
Pick books that are at the right level! Help your child pick books that are not too difficult for them. The aim is to give your child lots of successful reading experiences. This will build reading confidence.


Language arts Lesson 17 will include:
  • How are ways to travel the same and different?-We will read "The Big Trip".
  • Compare and contrast
  • Long e patterns (ea, ee, e_e)
  • Final sound ng and nk
  • Kinds of sentences
  • Writing personal narratives
Math will include:
  • Review for Unit 5 test (no homework on Monday)
  • Unit 5 test (no homework on Tuesday
  • Comparisons and graphs
  • Creating picture graphs