Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of February 9th

Don't forget to keep reading "The Lemonade War"!

Conferences are coming Feb 10, 12, and 13 (no school on Friday)! The book fair will be open during conferences.  NOTE: It will only be open until 10:00 on Friday.  Be sure to check it out!

Make sure you check out the music question of the week on Mrs. Wiebe's website!  There is also information about the music program here at PV. 
Follow this link:  Music at Pleasantview and Rice - Home

Yearbook orders went out.  Order on line at and enter the code 4964615 OR fill out the form that went home and pay by check. Checks payable to Pleasantview. Orders are due: February 13, 2015!

On Thursday the 12th we will have a Valentine's celebration in class.  Students will make bags here at school and they can bring valentines to share with friends.  We have 23 students in our class.  Please have your child sign their name, but don't address them to anyone.  That way they can just hand one to each student.

Reading Tip of the Week:
Play word games!  Have your child sound out words as you change them from mat to fat to sat; from sat to sag to sap; from sit to sip.


Language arts Lesson 18 will include:
  • Why do authors write nonfiction?-We will read "Where does Food Come From?".
  • Author's purpose
  • Long a patterns (ai, ay)
  • Contractions with 'll and 'd
  • Names of months, days and holidays (proper nouns)
Math will include:
  • Graphs and comparisons
  • Graphs with multiple rows
  • Data collection and graphing
  • Making our own graphs
  • A quiz on lessons 1-6