Friday, May 22, 2015

Week of May 26th


Field Trip:
We had a great time at Hemker Wildlife Park! Check out the pictures in the Hemker blog post!!

Walk for Life:
We raised a record number of $10,272.42 for the American Cancer Society!  Thank you so much for collecting change in your bottles!!

BOGO book Fair:
On Tuesday the 26th we will be going to the "Buy One, Get One Free" Book Fair in the media center.  If your child wishes to purchase books please send a minimum of $6.00 in a labeled baggie or envelope.  Most books are $4.99 plus tax.  The second book of equal or lesser value is free1

Our music concert is coming up on the 27th at 7:00.  Students need to be in classrooms at 6:45-no earlier, please.


We will do a variety of review activities in both language arts and math.  We are also working on an atlas.  This week will be full of activities and cleaning!  Hope you have a wonderful summer.  See you next year across the pod!

Hemker Wildlife Park

What a fun time at the Hemker Wildlife Park!  Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

RAD!! The Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Zoo

We filled our bucket with PATH tickets and THIS was our reward!! We LOVED it!
The Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Zoo came to visit.

We saw a tree frog, 

a salamander,

a turtle,

a snapping turtle,

a tortoise,

a gecko,

a California King Snake,

an albino corn snake,

a Boa Constrictor,

and an alligator!!

She even showed us how a tortoise eats a banana!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Week of May 18th

All library books were due on Tuesday, May 12th!  The first class to bring all the books back will get a treat from the media center.  FIND THOSE LOST BOOKS!

FIELD TRIP!!!!!!! On May 22nd we will go to Hemker Park for our field trip.  The students need a bag lunch/drink in a disposable container (paper or plastic).  We will not bring any of the lunch back with us. Make sure they are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather and tennis shoes.  We will be outside and walking the whole time!

Our music concert is coming up on the 27th at 7:00.  Students need to be in classrooms at 6:45.

We have filled the bucket with PATH tickets!  Soon we will have our reward for this accomplishment. It's a secret so we will have to wait and see what happens!


Language arts will include:
  • Various writing projects
  • Comprehension skills
Math will include:
  • Story problems
  • Unit 9 Test

 We said goodbye to our butterfly (only one made it) last week. It was fun to see how the caterpillars change themselves into beautiful creatures!

Social Studies:
We have been working on our map skills.  This week we will learn about the continents around the world as we create an atlas.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week of May 11th

All library books are due on Tuesday, May 12th!  The first class to bring all the books back will get a treat from the media center.  FIND THOSE LOST BOOKS!

Field day was SO fun!  Check out our pictures on "Field Day was Awesome!!" blog post. I would like to compliment our class on how well they listened, behaved, and had good sportsmanship!

FIELD TRIP!!!!!!! On May 22nd we will go to Hemker Park for our field trip.  Permission slips were sent home on the 13th on blue paper. If you are interested in coming along as a chaperone please send me a note or an email stating that you are interested by Monday, May 18th. I can only bring 2 parents so I will draw names from all the interested parties.  Reminder: you must have your background check completed to chaperone trips.

Our music concert is coming up on the 27th at 7:00.  Students need to be in classrooms at 6:45.


Language arts will include:
  • What can you learn from story characters? We will read "Winners Never Quit!".
  • Understanding characters
  • Prefixes un-, re-
  • Suffix -ly
  • Adjectives that compare
Math will include:
  • Story problems with categories
  • Story problems with multiple operations
  • Mixed story problems
Our caterpillars are still in a chrysalis!  We have them waiting in the butterfly enclosure.  Hopefully we will have butterflies on Monday!! Our small caterpillar is still hanging in there, but not in a chrysalis yet. We are observing and journaling about what we see.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Week of May 4th

THE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM HAD IT'S LAST DAY ON THURSDAY APRIL 30TH.  PLEASE ADJUST YOUR AFTER SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION PLANS ACCORDINGLY! I will go back to what your child did before the services started. If this has changed make sure you send me a note.
Thank you to everyone that donated to the Walk for Life! It was fun to see families join us to walk.  The kids really had a good time!  Check out the "Walk for Life!!" blog post to see a few pictures of our fun day.

***Parents are able to walk with their children for the Walk for Life. You will not need a background check for this event.  Please DO NOT enter the school if you wish to walk with us.  Meet us in the field by the walking track (marked in the grass by the back parking lot).  Our class will walk from 12:10-12:40. Can't wait to see you there!

I hope you all had a blast at the PV Spring Carnival too!  Thank you to the volunteers and those that donated for our grade level baskets.  The PTAC donated a generous amount to first grade for our field trip to keep the cost down for families. They also provide us with Scholastic News Magazines. 

Friday the 8th is our field day! We will have the afternoon to participate in field events here at PV.  Students are allowed to bring a water bottle for this day.  Please put your child's name on it.

FIELD TRIP!!!!!!! On May 22nd we will go to Hemker Park for our field trip.  Permission will come home on Wednesday the 6th. If you are interested in coming along as a chaperone please send me a note or an email stating that you are interested by Monday, May 18th. I can only bring 2 parents so I will draw names from all the interested parties.  Reminder: you must have your background check completed to chaperone trips.


Language arts will include:
  • How do some story events make other events happen? We will read "Inspector Hopper".
  • Cause and effect
  • Suffixes -ful, -y, -ly
  • Long vowel patterns review (ay, ee, ie, etc.)
  • Adverbs
  • Prefix un-
Math will include:
  • Story problems
  • Story problems
  • More story problems!
Our caterpillars are now in a chrysalis!  There is one left hanging, but the other 3 fell to the bottom.  We will gently place them in an enclosure so they can still emerge as a butterfly.  As you can see, there is one little runt that has not eaten enough to make a chrysalis yet.  We will leave him in there to see if he is able to catch up.  Soon we will have butterflies. We are observing and journaling about what we see.